Thank Offering for the World Evangelism Fund – Developing the Future

The Church of the Nazarene’s annual Thank Offering for the World Evangelism Fund has been a denominational tradition for more than 75 years. Every year we look back and remember what God has done. Out of thankfulness, we give back to God. This year’s World Evangelism Fund Thank Offering celebrates how our time, prayers, and

Hurricane Patricia

The hurricane reached us as 05:00 in the afternoon on Friday, October 23, said the pastor of the Church of the Nazarene in Melaque Jalisco State, part of the Western District of Mexico. "After the first gusts of wind, there was a half hour when it became clear and the winds ceased, after that the

October 27th, 2015|Compassion, Mexico, News|

Mexico NCM At Work After Hurricane Patricia

After Hurricane Patricia made landfall, the Mexico Nazarene Compassionate Ministries (NCM) team, has been traveling to the worst affected areas. The team is carrying crisis care kits for natural disasters and water. On Sunday October 25th the team left to assess the affected coastal area, they also took water and emergency kits for natural disasters.

October 26th, 2015|Compassion, Mexico, News|

“Living The Present To Build The Future” 2015 Regional Conference

For over a year God was guiding us in the preparation for the Regional Conference which was held October 7th, 8th and 9th 2015, in the Nazarene Theological Seminary in Guatemala City. About 500 people, including speakers, participants, guests and the logistics team, came together for this event; representing 20 countries of the Mesoamerica Region.

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