México West District Celebrates Assembly

On November 17th and 18th, 2016, the Mexico West District held its 38th Assembly, in the Gethsemane Sanctuary. The Regional Director, Dr. Carlos Sáenz, and the General Superintendent in jurisdiction, Dr. Jerry Porter, who led the Assembly and also launched the Vision 2020 challenge, were present. The district leadership responded with enthusiasm and faith. It

November 22nd, 2016|Mexico, News|

Mexico South Pacific District Celebrates Its 33rd Assembly

On November 13th and 14th, 2016, the Mexico South Pacific District held its 33rd assembly in the City of Arriaga, Chiapas State. General Superintendent in Jurisdiction (GSJ), Dr. Jerry Porter, who presided over the meeting and Dr. Carlos Sáenz, Mesoamerica Regional Director attended the event. Source: Dr. Carlos Sáenz, Regional Director

November 22nd, 2016|Mexico, News|

Mexico South District, 69th Assembly Held

The Mexico South District 69th Assembly was held on November 11 and 12, 2016 at the Christian Temple of Tuxtla, Gutiérrez, Chiapas, Mexico. Regional Director, Dr. Carlos Sáenz and General Superintendent in Jurisdiction, Rev.Jerry Porter, attended the event.Rev.Porter preached the Word of God and encouraged attendees to reach others for Christ through the 2020 Vision.

November 16th, 2016|Mexico, News|
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