Nuevo Laredo Is Being Transformed through the Project Paul

July 15 to August 6, 2017, the Church of the Nazarene held Project Paul in Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas, Mexico. Project Paul is a missions development and church planting strategy. Thirty volunteer missionaries from 7 churches organized into 7 teams evangelized in 7 communities after their regular work. The first stage of the project was April

September 13th, 2017|Evangelism, Global Mission, Mexico, News|

News From The Church In Mexico After A Powerful Earthquake

A powerful 8.2 earthquake struck just off the coast of southern Mexico just before midnight on Thursday, September 7 according to the Mexican National Seismological Service. The epicenter was off the coast of Pijijiapan, Chiapas. It is the largest recorded earthquake in Mexico in 100 years. The damages are widespread and still being surveyed. Local

September 8th, 2017|Compassion, Mexico, News|
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