Breakfast for Pastors’ Wives Held in Mexico

The Mexico Central District held a breakfast for pastors’ wives on Feb. 16. Irene Zabaleta, the district superintendent’s wife, organized the event held at the district house in Mexico City. Fifteen women attended. It was a blessed time for the women, especially since they had not held similar events before. They used the time to

March 5th, 2018|Mexico, News|

Project Paul Held in Piedad Michoacan, Mexico

The Church of the Nazarene held a Project Paul event in Piedad Michoacan, Mexico, Jan. 20-Feb. 11, 2018. There were three weeks of intense evangelism and intentional discipleship in 21 communities. Pastor Manuel Molina, coordinator of the project, along with Pastor Leonides Arteaga and a team of 43 local missionaries canvased the streets in 22

February 28th, 2018|Global Mission, Mexico, News|

Global Mission Mesoamerica – 2017

From October 19 to 24, 2017, the Mesoamerica Global Mission regional coordinators, Scott and Emily Armstrong, gathered together with the field coordinators of this ministry: Maria Eugenia Rodriguez (Mexico), Marc Versil (Haiti), Luz Jimenez (Northcentral), Dario Richards (Caribbean), Freya Galindo (Central); and the NYI regional coordinator, Milton Gay, to have meetings and attend the “Movement

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