Mexican Youth Trained to Serve in NCM

With the understanding that one can always be better prepared and trained to give aid to those in need, a group of Mexican youth earned professional “application of tourniquets” certification after a training on Friday, June 15. The Mexican National Guard and the San Luis Potosi Civil Protection Coordination offered the certification. Three Nazarene youth—Libni,

June 19th, 2018|Compassion, Mexico, News|

Many New Believers in the Mexico Huasteca District

Eighty-five volunteer missionaries served through Project Paul in the Mexico Huasteca District April 8 – May 6. They saw 228 people confess Jesus as their Lord and Savior. The zones that participated were: Sierra de Hidalgo Zone: 42 volunteer missionaries, 119 new converts Xilitla Zone: 11 volunteer missionaries, 25 new converts West Zone: 14 volunteer

June 19th, 2018|Global Mission, Mexico, News|

“Building Healthy Families” Conference Held in Mexico

The Oaxaca District in Mexico held the “Building Healthy Families” Conference June 1-3 with the goal of strengthening the spiritual and emotional health of families. The speakers were Miguel and Irene Garita, who serve in the Family Care Ministry of the Mesoamerica Region. Friday, June 1, they met in Huanacastal, Oaxaca. In the morning, 80

June 13th, 2018|Family Care, Mexico, News|
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