The Gospel Comes to a Rehab Center in Tonala, Mexico

Project Paul and the Wordless Book have become important tools in the evangelistic activities at the House of Mercy Church of the Nazarene in Tonala, Jalisco, Mexico. Hilda is a woman won to Christ through the efforts of Teresa de la Mora during a Project Paul outreach held in Hilda’s neighborhood of Rosario de Guadalajara.

April 16th, 2018|Global Mission, Mexico, News|

Project Paul in Coahuila and Nuevo Leon, Mexico

Sixty volunteer missionaries from 3 local churches served in Project Paul, an intensive evangelism event, than spanned two Mexican states. From March 2-25, 2018, they served in the southern part of the state of Coahuila and the mountainous part of Nuevo Leon. The Project Paul team helped in the three churches in the mountainous area:

April 3rd, 2018|Global Mission, Mexico, News|

Mexico NMI Leaders met for two day training

Mexico Area Nazarene Missions International (NMI) leaders met in Guadalajara, Jalisco, Feb. 24-25 for a training event. It was organized by Regional NMI Coordinator Ana Maria Crocker and Area NMI Coordinators Alma Hidalgo and Maria Lucia Manuel. Maria Eugenia Rodriguez, current Mexico North Border Global Mission Coordinator and former Regional Representative on the Global Council,

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