NMI Mobilizes the Church in Veracruz to Pray

Seventy members from six different churches in the Veracruz Central Zone in the Mexico Gulf District gathered on Sept. 1 at the House of Prayer Mission for a special time of prayer. They prayed for pastors and leaders in the zone, their district, the Mesoamerica Region, missionaries, Genesis Project participants, safety and their government. They

September 11th, 2018|Mexico, Nazaren Mission International, News|

Church Celebrates 4 Years of Sharing Food with the Needy

On Aug. 4, The Word of Life Ministry, Civil Association, as a part of the First Church of the Nazarene, Juarez, Chihuahua, Mexico, celebrated 4 years of service to their community. They operate a community cafeteria where, Monday through Saturday, approximately 100 people come to eat, the majority of whom are senior citizens. The cafeteria

August 14th, 2018|Compassion, Mexico, News|
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