Nazarene Medical Brigade Serves 500 People in Mexico

The Nazarene Medical Brigade, along with local and field volunteers, offered medical services to some 500 people in the Mexico East District, Feb. 12-16. They held outreaches in the communities of Escárcega, Ulumal and Tixmucuy in the state of Campeche, and Cuch Holoch and Cepeda in the state of Yucatan.   Some of the consultations required

February 27th, 2019|Compassion, Mexico, News|

Regional NYI Coordinator Presents Book at Third Wave 2019

Mesoamerica Regional NYI Coordinator Dr. Milton Gay presented his book Leading a New Generation at the global NYI event Third Wave 2019. The presentation followed the session “Coaching in Youth Ministry,” which Dr. Gay led. The book summarizes different roles that youth leaders may use to guide the new generation.  It includes a panoramic view

Mesoamerica Region in Third Wave 2019

Twenty-three from across the Mesoamerica Region joined youth from across the globe at the event Third Wave, held Jan. 8-13 in Hyderabad, India. The event is focused on leadership development for emerging leaders from every field in the Church of the Nazarene. Every four years youth leaders meet and connect across cultural lines for training,

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