Five stops, hundreds of lives changed in Mexico

Three young people embarked on a 23-day missions trip as part of the Missionary Advance project on the Mexico Southern District. Victoria Trujillo, Lizbeth Morales, and Abner Gutiérrez began their trip on 23 November and ended on 15 December. They visited multiple towns in the Lagos Zone, joining together with members of the local churches

January 22nd, 2020|Global Mission, Mexico, News|

Oaxaca Northwest District Celebrates Important Advances at its Assembly

The Mexico Oaxaca Northwest District held its 12th annual district assembly on Nov. 16-17.   It was a time to celebrate, give accounts and seek God’s direction. The event was held in the Center of Praise and Proclamation Church of the Nazarene (CAP).The districted reported advances, which included organizing four new churches. This brings the total

November 22nd, 2019|Mexico, News|

Nazarenes Care For African Migrants in Mexico

On Nov. 1, members of the Church of the Nazarene Mexico South District prepared and delivered food to some 350 Africans who were at the southern border of Mexico.This came as a response to a request from the commissioner of immigration regularization in Chiapas, Mexico, who met with different Christian denominations in Tapachula to ask

November 7th, 2019|Compassion, Mexico, News|

More than 200 young people attend “Exclusive Design” camp in Mexico

From October 24th - 26th, more than 200 young people came together to be a part of the "Exclusive Design" conference in Mexico's South Pacific District. The conference was organized by the first Church of the Nazarene in Tonalá, Chiapas however, youth from 13 other churches also attended, including their leadership teams, worship ministries and guests.The

November 7th, 2019|Mexico, News, NYI, Uncategorized|
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