My experience with COVID-19 – Carlos Betanzos

Carlos Betanzos, from México, who serves as coordinator for Nazarene medical brigades for the México field, tells us about his experience with contracting COVID-19, and encourages us to follow all of our communities’ health department recommendations. “My name is Carlos Betanzos, coordinator of the Nazarene medical brigades for the Mexico field, a role I have

August 25th, 2020|COVID-19, Mexico, News, News Covid-19|

Our Experience with COVID-19 – Noemí and Lorenzo Sosa

Noemi and Lorenzo Sosa* are ministers in Oaxaca, Mexico; they tell us how in the midst of COVID-19 how the faith community, both local and international, walked with them giving them support and how they clung to hope. "We believed that we would never get out of this, but we reflected on the promises of

July 10th, 2020|COVID-19, Mexico, News, News Covid-19|

Ministering to Immigrants in Mexico During the Pandemic

In the month of May 2020, amidst the Coronavirus pandemic, the Churches of the Nazarene in the South Border district of Mexico are helping the immigrant community who are awaiting immigration approvals in the city of Tapachula, Chiapas. With the help of Nazarene Compassionate Ministries Mesoamerica Region, led by Coordinator Edi Montejo Alvarado, an offering

June 19th, 2020|COVID-19, Mexico, News, News Covid-19|
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