Global Missions Ministry Celebrates Online Graduation

On October 3, 2020 the ministry of Global Missions celebrated the online graduation of 86 students from Guatemala, Mexico, the Dominican Republic, Haiti, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Honduras, Puerto Rico and Costa Rica who successfully completed the program of studies in the School of Leadership with an emphasis in Cross-Cultural Missions. After having persevered for 6

Nazarene Pastor in Mexico Recognized for Lifetime Achievement

Thursday, Oct. 1, Rev. Gedeón Solis López, pastor of the Tercera Iglesia del Nazareno (Third Church of the Nazarene) in Juarez, Mexico, received public recognition from the municipal authorities. The social media accounts for the municipality said, “The full municipal government government conferred the recognition for lifetime achievement in its 2020 edition to the minister

October 13th, 2020|Mexico, News|

Feeding Those Most in Need in Time of the Pandemic

During this time of crisis impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Word of Life (Verbo de Vida) Ministry of the First Church of the Nazarene in Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, Mexico, is active; sharing food and masks with the people of their community who are most in need. During the month of September, the Word of

October 6th, 2020|COVID-19, Mexico, News, News Covid-19|
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