Women’s Congress Is Held In The Dominican Republic

From November 4th to the 6th 2016, an average of 300 women set aside some time to learn more about the Lord in the Dominican Republic in the women’s national congress, entitled “Mujer, Tu Eres Valiente" (“Woman, you are brave”) which was open to any woman who wanted to attend. The event was held at

November 9th, 2016|Central, News|

First Conference Of Nazarene Compassionate Ministries in Mesoamerica

From October 19th to the 21st 2016, it was held in Panama City, the first Nazarene Compassionate Ministries Regional Conference "Impacting the World with Love". Forty-six leaders from 10 countries of the 5 fields of the region participated in the event, which was aimed to provide training and useful tools for efficiently ministry development. They

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