Presentation of the JESUS Film in the Cabecar Language

On March 10th – 12th, 2017 the Costa Rica Central district held an evangelistic event in the community of Tayni, located in the Caribbean Indigenous Zone of Costa Rica, to show the JESUS Film in the language of Cabecar. The film was shown in two schools where the children are taught in two languages: Cabecar

March 23rd, 2017|Central, Evangelism, News|

Female Leadership Retreat in the Dominican Republic

On Saturday, March 4th, 2017, the Dominican Republic Central District held its second spiritual retreat addressed to pastors' wives and the district's female leadership. This event took place in the sanctuary of the Admiral Church of the Nazarene led by Mrs. Altagracia Novas, wife of the District Superintendent Rev. Ernesto Bathermy. Under the theme "Widening

March 21st, 2017|Central, News|

Medical Tours Bless Communities In Panama

From February 13th to the 17th, 2017, a medical team from the Flint Central Church of the Nazarene, USA, visited Panama to share God's love through health services. They visited four communities in great need, these are: Cabuyita, Paso Blanco, Colon and Santa Ana. In the four communities vital signs were review and the team

March 15th, 2017|Central, Compassion, News, W&W|
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