Church of the Nazarene organized in the Wagandy region, Panama

The Panama Central District organized the second Church of the Nazarene in the indigenous Guna district of Wagandy, located in the Tabardi community. District Superintendent Carlos de la Cruz attended the celebration along with Panama Evangelism Coordinator Amable Polanco, the national NMI and NYI presidents, and the missional zone planters. Pastor Amable Polanco led the

Church Planting Training in Costa Rica

In November 2017, February and March 2018, Dynamic Church Planting International (DCPI) held training events for church planters in both districts in Costa Rica. The first training, held in November 2017, was made possible by collaboration between the Nazarene Seminary of the Americas (SENDAS) and the DCPI trainers, Dr. Mario Zani and Dr. Carlos Fernandez,

May 2nd, 2018|Central, News|

A Week With Rev. Gary Hartke in Panama

Students in the Youth Pastor program in the Panama Central District studied “History and Fundamentals of Youth Ministry” from April 9-13, 2018 with Global NYI Director Gary Hartke. They learned about leadership and the history of global and Panama NYI, among other topics. One day later, on Apr. 14, the El Progresso Church of the

April 30th, 2018|Central, News, NYI, Theological Education|

The Gospel of the Lord Shared By More Than 100 Youth in Panama

Ninety Panamanian youth and 23 people from the USA brought the gospel to 7 Panamanian communities through two Maximum Mission projects. The Panama Central District Nazarene Youth International, Global Mission and Evangelism teamed up to coordinate the two projects. They held the first Feb. 23-26 in the communities of Pacora, Nueva Esperanza, and two islands

April 19th, 2018|Central, Evangelism, Global Mission, News, NYI|
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