Guatemala West District Celebrate their Assembly

The Guatemala West District Assembly was held on March 17th and 18th, 2015. On the first day, 11 people graduated from the Nazarene Theological Seminary; seven of them graduated from the Bachelor of Christian Ministry program and 4 from the Diploma of Christian Ministry program. Rev. Ulises Solis, the Rector of the seminary and Academic

March 24th, 2015|CA-4 Field, Literature, News|

Guatemala Atlantic District Celebrated their Assembly

On March 14 and 15, 2015, the 21st district assembly for the Guatemala Atlantic District was held in Puerto Barrios, Guatemala. On the first day, the pastors, committees and board’s reports were given. On the second day Dr. Gustavo Crocker, General Superintendent of the Church of the Nazarene ordained pastors Rony Estuardo Machorro Recinos and

March 23rd, 2015|CA-4 Field, News|

The Nicaragua Southeast District celebrates its assembly

On March 12, 2015, the Nicaragua Southeast District assembly was held at the district center in San Carlos, Nicaragua. Dr. Carlos Saenz and Dr. Gustavo Crocker, General Superintendent in jurisdiction, attended the event. They dedicated a special time of prayer for all that serve in this district.

March 20th, 2015|CA-4 Field, News|
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