Obstacles and Challenges of Youth Ministry in the 21st Century

Our food will always be the same, but the way we present it has to change with the culture if we want this generation to try it.”[1]  McDonalds Many of the things that were important to us in our teen years are no longer important for many of our youth.  The games, conferences, films and

August 9th, 2019|Articles|

How can I be the light for my unbelieving family?

Written by: Dr. Miguel Garita Murillo, Family Care Ministry, Mesoamerica Region, Church of the Nazarene They replied, “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved—you and your household.” Acts 16:31 The family is the nucleus of society.  No matter what kind of family it is, it still impacts people in many ways.  It is

May 14th, 2019|Articles|
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