7 Questions Pastors Should Ask Before Leaving A Church

7 Questions Pastors Should Ask Before Leaving A Church Are you considering a change? Transitioning from one church to another is one of the most difficult decisions any leader can make. It’s tough to know how and when to leave. Waiting until a termination or when the circumstances are so toxic you must escape is

November 29th, 2021|Articles, Leadership Articles|

5 Reasons That Make It Difficult To Empower Others To Lead

5 Reasons That Make It Difficult To Empower Others To Lead By Dan Reiland It is surprisingly common for leaders to struggle with the process of truly empowering others to lead. It’s easier to talk about empowering leaders than to actually do it, therefore, practicing and debriefing how it’s going will serve you and your

November 23rd, 2021|Articles, Leadership Articles|

How To Lead Those Who Don’t Want To Follow

How To Lead Those Who Don’t Want To Follow By Dan Reiland Leadership is rewarding and definitely worth it, but let’s be honest, there are many days when it’s no picnic. Typically, those days have something to do with human conflict. Would you agree? And one of the most tension-filled situations involving conflict is attempting

November 15th, 2021|Articles, Leadership Articles|
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