5 Ways To Lead For Increased Spiritual Impact In 2022

5 Ways To Lead For Increased Spiritual Impact In 2022 By Dan Reiland What is your perspective for 2022? Hopeful? Uncertain? Concerned? Personally, I’m very hopeful. I’m praying for and anticipate a strong Kingdom advancing year. Why? I’m hopeful about 2022 because of how much we all have learned, how we’ve grown, the changes we

January 18th, 2022|Articles, Leadership Articles|

10 Personal Questions to Help You Start The New Year Well

10 Personal Questions to Help You Start The New Year Well By Dan Reiland Reflection is good for the soul. Personal reflection is even better if you act on it. You may not be an “end of the year – take a two-day retreat in the mountains” kind of person. I’m not either. I can

January 11th, 2022|Articles, Leadership Articles|

5 Ways Your Life As a Disciple Shapes Your Effectiveness As A Leader

5 Ways Your Life As a Disciple Shapes Your Effectiveness As A Leader By Dan Reiland You are first a disciple of Jesus before you are a leader for Jesus. The values, tone, and purpose of your leadership is shaped by the quality and depth of your discipleship. Think about how you have been discipled as a follower of

December 6th, 2021|Articles, Leadership Articles|
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