5 Elements That Bring Strength And Sustainability To Your Leadership

5 Elements That Bring Strength And Sustainability To Your Leadership By Dan Reiland There was a time when only leaders in their 40’s and 50’s told me they were exhausted from leading; now, leaders in their late 20’s and 30’s are saying the same thing. We could make a list of the changes in culture

July 20th, 2022|Articles, Leadership Articles|

Practical Insight To Navigate Leadership Pain

Practical Insight To Navigate Leadership Pain By Dan Reiland When you are uncertain if the pain of leadership is worth the outcomes of leadership, you are likely to experience frustration, doubt, and lack of joy. We all love the promise of leadership. Changed lives, a better future, and the advancement of God’s Kingdom. It’s when the

July 4th, 2022|Articles, Leadership Articles|
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