About asalazar

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So far asalazar has created 3080 blog entries.

‘Missionary Summer’ begins with success in Dominican Republic

A spirit of unity and service characterized the first installment of what is being deemed “Missionary Summer” in the Dominican Republic. From 21-28 May 2022, 12 Work & Witness volunteers from North Arkansas in the United States came together with four young leaders from the host country to bless the city of Bonao. “This has

June 17th, 2022|Central, Global Mission, News|

Guatemalan District Celebrates the Organization of Its 113th Church

A new Church of the Nazarene called Monte de Los Olivos was officially organized in the community of San Pablo Xucaneb in Alta Verapaz, Guatemala. Monte de Los Olivos becomes the 113th congregation on the Verapaz North district in Guatemala. The church is composed of 150 congregants and their senior pastor, Pablo Botzoc. Before the

June 6th, 2022|News, North Central|
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