About asalazar

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So far asalazar has created 3079 blog entries.

Over 100 young people learn to share gospel through media

A training called Designed to Communicate brought together roughly 115 young people to learn how to share the gospel creatively through the media. The event was held by the communications team from the Mesoamerica North Central Field on 13, 15, and 17 May in El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras. Brian Utter, global coordinator of

May 31st, 2024|Uncategorized|

EXPONAZ 2024 equips 300 people on evangelism in Mexico

EXPONAZ 2024 brought together roughly 300 people in Guadalajara, Mexico, to motivate and equip them in evangelism. The event was held by the Mexico Field’s evangelism ministry, responding to the mission of the Church of the Nazarene to make Christlike disciples in the nations. During the event, an exhibit of various evangelistic resources, preaching, and

May 31st, 2024|Mexico, News|

El Salvador ministry brings hope to children, teens in crisis

Iglesia del Nazareno Las Peñas in Acajutla, El Salvador, opened its doors to about 130 children and adolescents who are missing one or two of their parents due to the emergency order that remains effective in the country. The children and adolescents were left in the care of relatives or neighbors. The church became aware

May 24th, 2024|Compassion, News, North Central|

Church Gathers More than 400 People for Easter Sunday Service

During this past Holy Week, Etla Church of the Nazarene in Mexico experienced an intentional time of seeking the Lord through different activities. Many people from the community gathered in increasing numbers with each activity culminating in an Easter Sunday celebration where 400 people attended. They began on Wednesday with a night of praise to

April 30th, 2024|Mexico, News|
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