About asalazar

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So far asalazar has created 3079 blog entries.

Discover Missions Begins in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

As our amazing ministry team is picking up the first leaders and participants, it is dawning on us: Discover Missions is here! This iteration of Discover Missions is the first of its kind in the Church of the Nazarene, and sites and dates are being determined for future years. Designed for 18-to-24-year-olds who are interested

May 11th, 2023|Central, Global Mission, News|

Verapaz North District welcomes 10 new churches

The Verapaz North District of Guatemala welcomed 10 new churches in 2022. District Superintendent Francisco Cho presented the churches at the district assembly on 17 March as part of the work carried out by the church in the last year. The churches are named: Upper Room, Mount of Olives, Mount Gerizim, Samaria, Jerusalem, Precious Blood,

April 10th, 2023|News, North Central, Uncategorized|

More than 100 Nicaraguan pastors equipped through conference

More than 100 pastors and leaders from the four districts of Nicaragua participated in the First National Pastors Conference from 27 February to 1 March at the Nazarene Bible Center in San Jorge, Rivas, Nicaragua. The conference theme was “Vision, Evangelism, and Discipleship.” "We started with a great inspiring, powerful service," said pastor Denis Espinoza.

March 24th, 2023|News, North Central|
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