Biblical Foundations of Discipleship provides a study of the biblical theological foundations for the Christian discipleship ministry. It sets out the objectives and strategy of Jesus’ transformative discipleship which should direct the work of the church. It develops central themes such as: discipleship and the kingdom of God, the commitment of the disciple, the change of mind and heart, the work of the Holy Spirit in the life of the Christian, the new life in Christ, among others.

This book is part of the Christian Discipleship Specialty of the School of Leadership. The School of Leadership program brings a fresh and modern approach to ministerial training. It includes a series of five essential courses that will serve as a foundation for fruitful ministry in the modern church. In addition, the program contains six series of Ministry Specialties, each consisting of six courses oriented to a specific area of ministry. Each book in the program is designed to speak to both new and experienced ministers, introducing ideas, tools, and resources to elevate the quality of their ministry in practical and relevant ways for today’s church.

Other School of Leadership Books can be found here.

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