The Nicaragua North District celebrated its eighteenth annual assembly Feb. 20 at the district center in Esteli. Field Strategy Coordinator Rev. Leonel De Leon presided, and he also preached the word of the Lord.
District Superintendent Rev. Angel Denis Espinoza, reported to the assembly that the district is continuing to focus on forming Christ-like leaders and disciples through the power of the Holy Spirit using the philosophy of “The Power of One – Leaders Making Leaders.” He also reported one new organized church, which brings the total to 29 organized churches and 23 mission-type churches in the district.
The assembly closed with prayer and by consecrating the newly elected leaders.
The Nicaragua Southeast District held its fifteenth annual assembly Feb. 21. They began with a short devotional led by Rev. De Leon. District Superintendent Carlos Fernando Pena followed with his report. He explained how the district was working to form leaders, make disciples and educate new workers for the harvest. He gave thanks to God for a newly organized church and for the Southeast Districts fifteenth year. They celebrated the milestone with a cake for all of the delegates.
Rev. De Leon closed the time in prayer for the new pastors and the district superintendent, who was reelected to 4 more years of service.
Source: Rev. Ulises Solis, Rector, Nazarene Theological Seminary, Guatemala