Discipleship ministry releases new bylaws

During the 98th Session of the General Board, members approved a new set of bylaws for Sunday School and Discipleship Ministries International (SDMI). The bylaws were created by a global SDMI strategy team with representatives from each of the six world regions. The team sought to identify the principles, practices, and behaviors of a local

Nazarenes offer support to migrants in Trinidad and Tobago

Language differences were not an issue for the Arima Church of the Nazarene in Trinidad and Tobago (English-speaking) as they ministered to a community of Venezuelan migrants (Spanish-speaking). After reaching out to the community and learning about their needs, they began teaching English-language classes, provided tabletop stoves, gas tanks, and in some cases, financial assistance.

March 11th, 2022|Caribbean Field, News|

Carlos Cordero appointed FSC of North Central Field

Carlos José Cordero Lugo was appointed field strategy coordinator for the North Central Field on 4 February 2022. The appointment was made by Global Missions Director Verne Ward upon the recommendation of Mesoamerica Regional Director Carlos Saenz and in consultation with Jurisdictional General Superintendent Gustavo Crocker. Cordero will replace Carlos Saenz, who has been serving

March 9th, 2022|News, North Central|

European Nazarenes respond to crisis in Ukraine

Even though more than a million people have already fled the country, hundreds of thousands are still vulnerable in Ukraine as the Russian Army continues to advance. Meanwhile, Nazarene churches and leaders are showing compassion and hospitality to communicate the presence of God in a time of upheaval. As the crisis escalates in Ukraine, workers

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