“Missions Without Limits” shares the message of the Gospel with 248 people in 10 countries across Mesoamerica

For two weeks, the Missions Without Limits Project gathered 248 people in 41 locations across 10 countries in the region to share the message of the Gospel in creative ways ensuring to follow all health and safety protocols considering the global pandemic. Missions Without Limits is a short-term project that emerged as there was a

Districts come together to make the 18th delivery of aid to victims of hurricanes in Guatemala

Since Guatemala was hit by hurricanes Iota and Eta this past November, the needs continue to be present for hundreds of families who are still in shelters. This is why the church continues to mobilize and respond with compassion. On January 7, 2021, the first aid dispatch day of 2021 began. This was carried out

January 13th, 2021|Compassion, News, North Central|

A Church in Guyana Brings Food to the Elderly in its Community

The global pandemic caused them at Tuschen Church of the Nazarene to adjust and alter their plans for them Annual Senior Citizens Christmas Luncheon. Not daunted, the team decided that instead of having their Seniors come to them, they will go to them and be a blessing. December 23rd, they distributed 40 hampers whit food

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