Guatemala woman competing in 2021 paralympics

Ericka Violeta Esteban, a young woman in the Nazarene Compassionate Ministries Orphan Program, will be representing Guatemala at the 2021 Paralympics this August in Tokyo, Japan. When Esteban was 6 months old, she fell out of the crib and was in a coma for a month. She suffered from a cerebral palsy disorder called monoplegia

June 21st, 2021|Compassion, News, North Central|

Church in Cuba Celebrates its 75th Anniversary

On May 26th, 2021, the Church of the Nazarene in Cuba celebrated its 75th anniversary. The celebration was held through the YouTube platform and has had (to date) over 600 views. The superintendents of both districts in the country, Rev. Luis Batista (East District), and Rev. Leonel López Ortiz (West District), participated in the celebration.

June 14th, 2021|Central, News|
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