SENDAS, Southwest Latin America District reaches education agreement

After several conversations with Southwest Latin American District leaders, Seminario Nazareno de las Americas signed an agreement to strengthen theological education for the leaders of their congregations. “It is my hope that the churches in this district can continue to grow and that each day we can form more quality leaders to transform the Hispanic

August 11th, 2020|Central, News, Theological Education|

Fry Biography

Hello! We are AJ and Chelsea Fry. We are so excited to meet all of you and join the incredible ministries you are already doing. We love helping to develop the Kingdom of God and we really want to help increase the affectivity of Global Communications and Missions. We look forward to hearing each

August 11th, 2020|Uncategorized|

My Experience with COVID-19 – Teresa de Cuesta, volunteer Genesis missionary

Teresa de Cuesta, originally from Mexico, serves as a volunteer missionary in the Genesis Project through the Church of the Nazarene. She became ill with COVID-19 while she was serving. Though she suffers from asthma, she can say that God’s mercy has touched her! “I am a volunteer missionary serving in the Genesis Project in

Young Artist Exchanges Art For Basic Necessities for Families Impacted by COVID19

In this season of pandemic, the church is serving families most affected by the crisis in different ways. Stephanie Sanchez, a young member of the Church of the Nazarene in Tibás, Costa Rica, is exchanging her art for food that is then delivered to families in the community. Here, she shares more about this project

August 3rd, 2020|Compassion, COVID-19, News, News Covid-19|
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