Builders of Peace

By Pastor Juan Carlos Sánchez Saborío It is clear that “various historical and cultural factors . . . have contributed to create an ethos in which peace occupies a decisive place.”[1]  This was evidenced by the commemoration enacted by the Union Nations General Assembly that marked September 21 as the day celebrated globally as the

September 9th, 2019|Articles|


“If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!” — Luke 11:13 NIV Parents generally want to give their sons and daughters the best, however, what is best for them?  The

Mesoamerica Region Welcomes New Missionaries

The Church of the Nazarene —Mesoamerica Region welcomes our newest missionaries, Rev. Carlos De la Cruz and his wife, Eusebia Amantina de De la Cruz, both from the Dominican Republic. On September 1, Rev. De la Cruz was appointed by Global Mission Director, Dr. Verne Ward, as the new Field Strategy Coordinator for the Mesoamerica

September 5th, 2019|Central, News|

North Central Field Receives Mobile Clinic

On August 13th, a group of district coordinators from the Nazarene Compassionate Ministries (NCM) North Central field in the Mesoamerica Region came together to dedicate a motile clinic unto the Lord. This facility was provided by the NCM of the Global Church of the Nazarene. Damaris Kellogg, NCM coordinator for the North Central field, expressed

August 29th, 2019|Compassion, News, North Central|
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