Leaders Receive Disaster Response Training in Guatemala

Twenty-eight leaders from Nazarene Compassionate Ministries (NCM) in 6 districts in Guatemala and Nicaragua received the second part of a disaster response training Oct. 14-15.  The trainers were from the Church of the Nazarene in Lenexa, KS, USA. The first training was held June 7-8.  It was led by Dany Medina, who is part of

October 28th, 2019|Compassion, News, North Central|

Nazarenes in El Salvador brought joy and hope at a hospital for children with cancer

On October 21, members of the Reparto Apopa Church of the Nazarene on the Central District of El Salvador visited the oncology unit of the National Children's Hospital with the purpose of bringing joy and hope through different activities and sharing the message of Jesus. The whole congregation participated by preparing care packages containing soap,

Over 30 baptized at El Salvador children’s congress

Nearly 500 students and 200 adults attended the second children's congress held in the El Salvador Central District. The theme was “My little heart delivered to Christ.” The congress was held with the purpose of sharing God's word with children, discovering talents, and conducting baptisms. More than 30 youth were baptized after they previously received

Protestant Reformation

Today we celebrate a transcendental date in the history of humanity: the Day of the Protestant Reformation. On the afternoon of October 31, 1517, an Augustine monk named Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses (or affirmations) to the door of the Wittenberg Cathedral. The document called for debate over the practices of the church that

October 21st, 2019|Articles|
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