Regional Advisory Council Holds Its Annual Meeting

The Mesoamerica Regional Advisory Council (RAC) held their annual meeting October 9-10 in Panama City, Panama.  Regional ministry coordinators, field strategy coordinators and the regional director all gave their reports to the council. The RAC includes both clergy and lay people from the region elected during the General Assembly. During this time, the RAC interviewed

November 4th, 2019|Central, News|

Church in Zimatlan Celebrates its 15th Anniversary

The Zimatlan Church of the Nazarene Center of Praise and Proclamation (CAP), on September 1st, celebrated 15 years of making Christ-like disciples. At the celebration, Rev. Óscar Medina Guzmán, who serves as District Superintendent in Peru, was invited to share the Word of the Lord. He encouraged the church to move forward in fulfilling the

October 31st, 2019|Mexico, News|

Plans Continue to Advance For the Opening of the Theological Seminary in Nicaragua

On October 21, the plans to open the Nicaragua campus of the Guatemala Nazarene Theological Seminary moved one step forward. The Nazarene Bible Institute in San Jorge, Rivas, Nicaragua, met with the Board of Regents (composed of the Nicaraguan district superintendents); consultant Dr. Roberto Hogdson; representatives of the Guatemala Nazarene Theological Seminary, including the rector,

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