Martinique welcomes around 80 children to Vacation Bible School

Every year the Morne Venté Church of the Nazarene in Martinique organizes a Vacation Bible School (VBS). This was held from 8th to 12th July, followed by its closing ceremony on 14th July with a look back on the week. The purpose of this VBS is to evangelize to children between the ages of 3

More than 600 People Baptized in Guatemala District

On Sunday August 18th, approximately 8,500 people attended a mass baptism celebration held for the first time by the Church of the Nazarene Verapaz North District in Guatemala. The District's 105 churches came together to celebrate the baptism of 697 persons. Starting out from their different locations in the early hours of the morning, the

August 21st, 2019|News, North Central|

Camps for Pastors Kids Held in Cuba

Recently camps were held for the children of pastors from the two districts of Cuba. The Eastern District divided into two groups to facilitate the participation of children and youth. The first group met in Holguin where Regional Family Care Ministry Coordinators, Irene and Miguel Garita (Costa Rica) shared the theme “Equipping for Life”, with

August 19th, 2019|Central, Compassion, News|

Nazarenes Contribute to the Formation of the First Cystic Fibrosis Association of Panama

Pastors and members of the Church of the Nazarene were part of the first Cystic Fibrosis Association of Panama. On August 2, the first Cystic Fibrosis Association of Panama was inaugurated as an initiative of Nazarene pastor, Rev. Amable Polanco with the support of families affected by this condition and additional support from medical specialists

August 16th, 2019|Central, News|
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