Assembly In Haiti Upper Artibonite District

On January 12th, 2017 the 14th District Assembly was held in Upper Artibonite, Haiti North, in the presence of the district superintendent, Rev. Paul Zamour and his wife Ms. Annessecese Zamour. General Superintendent Dr. Jerry Porter and Mesoamerica Regional Director, Dr. Carlos Sáenz were present. A group of children made a special presentation at the

January 20th, 2017|News|

Inauguration Of The First Water Project In Chiapas And Oaxaca

On Saturday, January 7th, 2017, in an atmosphere of celebration and gratitude to God, the inauguration of the Water Project was held in the Church of the Nazarene "Loma Bonita" in Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas, Southern District of Mexico. This is the first water project for the Chiapas - Oaxaca initiative, signed by the Healings Waters

January 12th, 2017|Compassion, Mexico, News|
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