Ordained At The Dominican Republic South District Assembly

On January 28th, 2017, the Dominican Republic South District held its assembly.The Regional Director, Dr. Carlos Sáenz and his wife, Mrs. Rosa de Sáenz, attended the assembly.At the celebration, three sisters were ordained by the General Superintendent, Rev.Jerry Porter, they are: Aura Estela de Pérez, Yussepy de Sánchez and María Méndez. Praise God for this

February 27th, 2017|Central, News|

Dominican Republic North District Celebrated its 36th Assembly

Dominican Republic North District held its 36th assembly in the Linco Church of the Nazarene in Santiago de los Caballeros, on January 24th 2017. General Superintendent Rev. Jerry Porter received the 2020 Vision goals and prayed with the pastors to ask God for his help to reach them. District Superintendent Rev. Samuel Cabrera Vicente gave

January 26th, 2017|Central, News|
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