Launching Of The “Worthless Servants” Podcast

On May 4th, 2017, the first episode of the Worthless Servants Podcast was launched, offering discussions on issues about mission, culture, and the Church. A new episode will come out every two weeks on Thursdays, and you will be able to listen to and download it on the Mesoamerica Genesis website, and through iTunes (for

May 17th, 2017|Uncategorized|

Producing Wells in Haiti

Since the beginning of February 2017, Haiti Water Project (HWP) along with partnering NGO, Helping Hands, has drilled six wells in the following communities, Do-Mitan, Marre-Deme, Camp-Hitte, Ka-Michaud, and Hatte-Pois, in Monoville, located in Orangers. HWP currently focuses on two areas in the Northern part of Haiti, Sarazeen and Orangers.  For this last one, the

April 28th, 2017|Compassion, Haití, News|

How Do We Become Holy?

God didn't say "Be omnipotent, for I am all powerful," or "Be omniscient, for I am all wise." He said, "Be holy for I am holy." God doesn't expect us to attain to His divine attributes, He expects us to live holy lives by His grace and power. Personal holiness is simply loving God with

April 27th, 2017|Holiness Legacy|
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