Mesoamerica Welcomes Missionary Couple

Dr. Marco Velasco Sosa and his wife, Myra Alvarado, began a new stage of their ministry in May 2017. Brother Velasco will be serving as a Theological Education instructor at the Nazarene Seminary of the Americas (SENDAS) on specialized assignment through Global Mission. Dr. Velazco is the son of Maria Eusebia Sosa Montes and Antonio

September 13th, 2017|Central, News, Theological Education|

The Church in Haiti Reports After Hurricane Irma

Erika Chaves from Nazarene Compassionate Ministries in Haiti shared the following report after Hurricane Irma swept over the country. Various communities were flooded in the northeast zone of Haiti: Karakol, Folibete, Guanamet, Otwo and Ferye.  The district superintendent has been unable to make contact with one church in this zone, which is the church in

September 8th, 2017|Compassion, Haití, News|

News From The Church In Mexico After A Powerful Earthquake

A powerful 8.2 earthquake struck just off the coast of southern Mexico just before midnight on Thursday, September 7 according to the Mexican National Seismological Service. The epicenter was off the coast of Pijijiapan, Chiapas. It is the largest recorded earthquake in Mexico in 100 years. The damages are widespread and still being surveyed. Local

September 8th, 2017|Compassion, Mexico, News|
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